Thirty-One Consultants are all over the country. The company is growing so fast yet many people still haven't heard of us yet. The company is based out of Tennessee, a state where there are 233 consultants.
Curious about how many Thirty-One Consultants are in your state?
Click here for a map of the US with the number of consultants listed on each state. (This map is current as of August 19, 2008)
The state with the highest number is Alabama with 399 consultants which is followed by North Caroline with 285. There are 2 states with NO consultants which are Idaho and North Dakota. I live in New Hampshire and there are only 3 of us in the far!
Let's get those numbers up. Even in Alabama, there is still lots of room for more Thirty-One Consultants. So if you are thinking about becoming a Consultant and would like more information, email me at or call me at 603-232-5655. There is always room for more great women!!!
(Note: The map has been updated to reflect the number as of September 15.)