If you are thinking about signing up as a Consultant with Thirty-One, anytime after July 10th is the perfect time to do it. Anyone who signs up on or after that date will receive the new Fall/Winter Consultant kit with items from the next catalog. The cost is still only $99! I don't have all the details yet on what is included in the kit but I will post it as soon as I find out (which should be shortly!). If you would like me to email or mail you a copy of the New Consultant Kit information, please email me at amy.lachance@yahoo.com and I will be happy to send it along to you.
Also, I will be offering a $25 gift certificate to the first 5 people who sign up with me between July 10 and August 10. This is my way of saying "welcome to the team" as well as helping you add more to your kit. More details on this will also be posted later but it's something to start thinking about. What a great way to earn some extra holiday spending money!!
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