Thirty-One Gifts sells the best bags. Yes, that is true. But there are some other wonderful products that are often overlooked... our beautiful stationary is one of them.
If you love the patterns on our bags, many of them are available in stationary. You can buy Folded Note Cards, Calling Cards/Gift Cards, Note Pad or Long Cards. You can choose from patterns like Black & White Floral, Bubble Pop, Brown Damask or Sail Away Orange just to name a few. There are also adorable patterns with the skirt purses on them (as shown in the picture) where you can have your initial put on the purse. So cute. Click here to see the Stationary Guide which shows you all the patterns, colors and fonts of stationary in the Thirty-One Spring/Summer catalog.
Now, with the release of the new 31 kid catalog, there are even more stationary styles to choose from. So many choices!!! To view all the Stationary options in either catalog, visit my website at MyThirtyOne.com/AmyL.
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