For only $99, you can start your own Thirty-One Gifts Business. Now, when you do, you will receive the beautiful Fall/Winter New Consultant Kit that contains more than $300 worth of products. The kit is packed with 11 different products, including several that can be personalized for free. See the picture above for the patterns and styles in this new kit.
As it states on the back of the new catalog, "Talk about job security! The best way to know that your future is financially secure is to take control of it yourself." Even in this tough economy, Thirty-One has grown by 300% in the past year! Amazing.
I'd love for you to be part of Thirty-One and party of my team of wonderful women all over the country. For more information, please email me at AmyLachance@hotmail. com. When you are ready to sign up, all you need to do is visit my website, Amy31.com, and click on "Join my Team". I will be with you every step of the way to "Celebrate, Encourage and Reward" all of your Thirty-One successes!!!
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